Commercial Fridge for Hospitals – Things I need to look out for when purchasing one?

Commercial Fridge for HospitalsThere are many aspects to consider when thinking to purchase a commercial fridge for hospitals and few of these points include:

  • – The size of the cabinet with in the commercial fridge and is it rated to in ambient temperature
  • – Do I have sufficient ventilation to enable the commercial fridge function smoothly?
  • – Do I have the correct electrical power in the area where I want to operate the commercial fridge?
  • – Do we have to a drain or tundish before installing the commercial fridge?
  • – Is the door of the commercial fridge hinged on the right side for efficient operation?
  • – Would I be better off with glass or solid door on the commercial fridge
  • – How do I get the commercial fridge in to my hospitals ie. are the door ways to our premise big enough?

If you want more information before purchasing the commercial fridge for hospitals, phone us today
on 1300 278 472 or
see our range of
commercial fridges for hospitals here

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