Commercial Fridge for Pubs – Things I need to look out for when considering to order one?

Commercial Fridge for PubsThere are many factors to think about when purchasing a commercial fridge for pubs and some of these points listed below:

  • – The size of the cabinet with in the commercial fridge and is it rated to in ambient temperature
  • – Do I have enough ventilation to enable the commercial fridge function smoothly?
  • – Do we have the correct electrical power in the premise where I want to operate the commercial fridge?
  • – Do we need a drain or tundish ahead of installing the commercial fridge?
  • – Is the door of the commercial fridge hinged on the correct side for efficient operation?
  • – Would I be better with glass or solid door on the commercial fridge
  • – How do I bring in the commercial fridge in to my pubs ie. do we have to use a lift?

If you want more information before purchasing the commercial fridge for pubs, contact us now
on 1300 278 472 or
browse our variety of
commercial fridges for pubs here

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Businesses That Uses Our Commercial Fridges, Freezers & Food Display Cabinets from Us